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As a body corporate or manager of commercial real estate, bin cleaning is not at the top of your list of things to think about – however commercial bin cleaning can have dramatic effects on the impression people get when they enter or utilise your commercial property – nobody enjoys the smell of a dirty bin!

Unfortunately, commercial bin cleaning is often left unaddressed in a number of commercial properties. Depending on the size and nature of the commercial property (i.e. restaurant, office building, shop, warehouse) the commercial bins on the premises should be cleaned weekly or monthly – ensuring that odours are kept in check.

In commercial properties where waste is often organic and decomposes easily – such as restaurants or grocery stores – it is of utmost importance that the bins are kept clean at all times – not only to avoid the smells that are associated with a smelly wheelie bin (or commercial bin), but to ensure that the standards of hygiene required for the commercial premise are maintained.

If you require a commercial bin clean by the WBCM Environmental Australia, be sure to contact us today by filling out out Bin Cleaning Contact Form.

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First Name
Last Name*
Mobile Number*
Street Address*
Post Code*
Size of Bins*
Number of Bins*
Frequency Of Clean*
Days Bins Emptied*
Approximate Time of Empty*
Odour control pod installed after clean?*
One year supply odour control pods for 2 bins?*
500ml Bin odour control spray?*
How did you hear about us?*
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